Digital Twin

Semantic contextual realities are the basis for predictive analytics and the development of new business models. Digital Twins provide comprehensive information in a specific domain.

Tangible and intangible business objects such as products, components, assets, customers, suppliers, services, or processes are represented on this basis. Likewise, interrelationships of business objects, and thus their business context, are captured across entire lifecycles, which increases transparency.

With the help of the knowledge graph in Linksphere, relationships between requirements, components, assets, services, etc. are mapped at a glance and linked together in semantic relationships. The findings provide valuable data for predictive analytics and the development of new business models.

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The advantages

Customized definitions of the Digital Twin for all roles along the process

Automatic calculation of Digital Twins according to the definitions using logical inference processes via the Knowledge Graph

A Digital Twin can be incrementally extended or modified