3rd February -17th November 2021
Bosch Connected World, the leading conference on Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Digital Transformation, is taking place online for the first time this year.
Traditions should be cherished: Even though there will be no face-to-face event this year, CONWEAVER Vice President Sales Sebastian Dörr and Director Professional Services Tim Rathgeber are looking forward to meeting six inspiring personalities from the IT industry.
About the Event
BCW.on consists of six complimentary, 45-minute-long online sessions to be held throughout 2021.
Listen to Volkmar Denner and Michael Bolle in conversation with Claudia Nemat (Deutsche Telekom), Stefan Dohler (EWE), Satya Nadella (Microsoft), Michael Dell (Dell Technologies), Sebastian Thrun (Udacity), and Christian Klein (SAP) on the most important topics of 2021: digital transformation, AI, IoT, digital trust, and sustainability.
Learn from these world-leading companies, explore new trends, ask your most important questions, and discover the visions they have in store for us – all from the comfort of your own computer.