Usability-optimized traceability for the development of embedded systems according to ISO 26262
Hundreds of thousands of cars are recalled because of defective components. This underscores the importance of carefully examining existing developmental tools and processes as well as of further developing IT tools and methods to support of daily workflows.
Joachim Caspar (CONWEAVER GmbH) about the project goals: “Firstly, there are potential cost savings because recalls are expensive and may be prevented with superior development tools. On the other hand, and this is more important, the main focus has to be to avoid accidents from the outset: through a more transparent configuration of design processes regarding safety-critical vehicle components.”
The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the initiative “KMU-Innovativ”, has a duration of two and a half years (March 2013 – August 2015) and totals EUR 1.8 million. The members of the consortium are the three companies InMediasP GmbH, CONWEAVER GmbH and GITTA mbH, plus the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology (IPK).
- Project Duration: 2,5 years
- Project Volume: 1,8 Mio. Euro
Project Partner
Caspar, J.: IT-Integration mit semantischer Vernetzung für durchgängiges Digital Engineering; in: Schulze, S.; Muggeo, C. (Hrsg.): Tag des Systems Engineering, Hanser Verlag, München 2015, S. 27-36
Präsentation: IT Integration mit semantischer Vernetzung
Sünnetcioglu, A.; Brandenburg, E.; Caspar, J.; Fauquembergue, M.; Dörr, S.: Information Retrieval Techniken zum automatisierten Erstellen von Tracelinks im Model Based Systems Engineering; in: M. Schenk (Hrsg.). 18. IFF Wissenschaftstage 2015, Digitales Engineering zum planen, testen und betreiben technischer Systeme, S. 45 – 53
Präsentation: Information Retrieval Techniken zum automatisierten Erstellen von Tracelinks im MBSE